
new homes

Whether it’s your new home or your customer’s, it’s personal. Either way, the goal is the same - to create a lasting expression of quality, distinction and craftsmanship for generations to come. From the design stage to the time you walk through the front door, we are personally invested in your project. The results speak for themselves..

custom interiors

Custom kitchens, bathrooms, vanities, libraries, offices, ceilings. You name it we’ve done it. Howard Senior personally measures and specs the design himself with the latest cutting edge Cabinetvision technology. He’s engrained in every aspect of the process. There’s no replacement for fist-hand attention. At H&S, a 32nd of an inch off is not a “hair off”. It’s not “close enough.” It’s the difference between what we will and won’t put our name on. We spec, build and install all of our work in-house. It’s the only way we can assure the quality we insist on. We think it’s worth it.


When we begin any renovation project, we keep two things in mind:
1. The outcome of a homeowner's renovation is every bit as important to them as a completely new home. That's because to them, we are creating a "new home."
2. People's lives don't stand still just because renovationsare being done.
So renovations get every bit the attention of a new home. And we are always going out of our way to stay out of your way. We minimize our intrusion whenever and wherever possible. We are as respectful as we are thorough.